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Oil field mud shear pump

update:2019-10-10 08:57      Click:times
  • brand   XBSY,Hedele
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    Oil field mud shear pump

Oil field mud shear pump

The shear pump is designed for the user to quickly configure the' target='_blank'>drilling mud to meet the requirements of the user to configure high performance mud.
The shear pump can effectively mix and fully hydrate the materials added in the drilling fluid, save the use of mud materials, shorten the mud configuration time, and provide good mud performance for the drilling process. It is an ideal drilling fluid solid control equipment. The degree of dispersion and hydration of bentonite particles in water depends on: electrolyte content in water, time, temperature, amount and concentration of surface replaceable cations. Under the same conditions, GNJQB series shear pump can save Peng Run soil by 30%. the above.
The GNJQB series of shear pumps allow the polymer to be sheared and hydrated as quickly as possible. The high molecular weight polymer used in the slurry has a high molecular weight and is not easily hydrated by direct addition, so that the high molecular weight polymer needs to be pre-sheared. Shear pumps provide high shear efficiency, accelerate polymer dilution, and hydration processes, thereby improving the quality and efficiency of the configured mud.

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